Power Through The Wall

Power, Cut, Rewire and Restore

Check Out Our Latest Work – Power Through The Wall

There’s the problem, power cords has been run through the wall; power through the wall.


Work with me here, what is the craziest thing you’ve ever seen? How about a powered appliance cord wired through the wall? Honestly, just when we think we might have seen everything, this popped up back in June 2010.

The age of the home might give this away, but let’s assume you have a new appliance with no outlet. The solutions could be a) run wire through the wall or b) call for a solution, assess the best options, agree to run new service to the appliance side of the wall.

Powered Appliance Through The Wall
Service Through the wall

Service Through the wall

This is where we can help! There is nothing quite like electrical oddities such as using an adjoining rooms power outlet. We can run new wire, install new outlets, or modify the service you currently have. Keeping safety in mind, we will find a solution that makes sense. Unlike the example mentioned, ideally you would want to avoid running power cords or supplies to any appliance or machine through a wall. Before you decide to cut the cord or drill through, give us a call! We are happy to assist you in a bind. Need help with power for your appliances? Electrotek Services Inc. can help.

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